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Norwegian Boat Found on Unst Island in Shetland Islands


Updated: Aug 3, 2024

A boat that was decorated by then 6th grade student at VilVite, from Kyrkjekrinsen school in Bergen, Norway was found by the Thomason children in the Shetland Isles on June 16, 2024. The area where boat # 5481 was found was Woodwick Beach. It is named such due to the amount of driftwood that comes ashore in this small area. Wookrick Beach is on the west coast of Unst, the northernmost Island of the Shetland Isles in the United Kingdom.

This was the 16th boat of the 500 that were sent to the North Pole from VilVite, Bergen Science Centre. During 2022 Float Your Boat collaborated with VilVite, a science museum in Bergen, Norway. VilVite cut and branded hundreds of wooden boats and had them decorated in various learning programs. This boat was deployed along side its parent Arctic buoy by Le Commandant Charcot at the North Pole in summer 2022. Since May of 2023, there have now been 16 boats found from that deployment.

Boat Number


Date Found

June 16, 2024

Place Found

Woodwick Beach, West coast of Unst, the northernmost Island of the Shetland Isles, United Kingdom 60.7817306, -0.9326540

Found By

Vaila Thomason

Date Deployed

July/August 2022

Who Deployed

​Le Commandant Charcot

Deployment Location

North Pole

Track Taken

​North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre through Fram Strait

Children at Unst, the northernmost Island of the Shetland Isles in the United Kingdom
Float Your Boat found on Woodwick Beach, Shetland Islands
Woodwick Beach where boat was found
Boat 5481 was decorated with what appears to be a Vietnamese flag


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FYB is an outreach project of the International Arctic Buoy Programme developed by David Forcucci (US Coast Guard, retired), and Ignatius Rigor (Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA) and can be reached at arcticfloatboat @

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