By Regina Brinker, PolarTREC Educator Alumni
While most Float Your Boat projects begin in a classroom, here’s one that started at a library. PolarTREC teacher Regina Brinker presented Float Your Boat, Napa, at the Napa Public Library. Members of the community, library staff, and the local climate action group Napa Climate NOW! learned how changes in the Arctic result in global impacts. After the presentation, participants personalized boats that will be deployed in the Arctic. Other boats were personalized by Girl Scout troop 10813 and other community members. A polar science presentation for the Girl Scout troop is happening soon. The presenter will email updates about the Float Your Boat project to participants.
Educators may find it challenging to get audiences to relate to the Arctic since the region is far from where most of us live. Climate change is happening at least four times faster in the Arctic than the rest of the world. These changes have global impacts on weather, climate, sea levels, economics, travel, transportation, access to natural resources, politics, and people. By connecting changes in the Arctic to local issues, educators can increase awareness of and concern for the Arctic. Hopefully, this will inspire local action to mitigate climate change.