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Boat lands at Archeology Site in Iceland


Updated: Jun 27, 2024

Hafnarbúðir, a rescue archeology excavation site in Hafnir. A seasonal fishing station in NW Iceland.
Hafnarbúðir, a rescue archeology excavation site in Hafnir, a seasonal fishing station in northwest Iceland.

Archaeologist Ásta Hermannsdóttir, head of the Archeology Department of the Skagfirðinga Museum of Architecture reported wooden boat number 222040 on June 12, 2024. The boat was decorated by a university student during the University of Washington’s Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Open House in 2022. It was deployed at the North Pole by the Le Commandant Charcot passenger cruise on August 31, 2023. 

Ásta Hermannsdóttir wrote: I found the boat on a beautiful June morning when we were coming to work on an archaeological site by the coast on the farm Hafnir in Iceland. I walked down to the sea, since it was unusually calm and beautiful, when I noticed the boat and saw at once that it must be something special since it had a number and of course the website written on it.

Our Hafnarbúðir research site was a seasonal fishing site, probably from the time of the settlement of Iceland and into the 19th century, and we are excavating seasonal booths and a boat house, along with other structures. The site is eroding into the sea and therefore it‘s a race against time to excavate the site and save the information the earth is keeping before it is too late. The pebble beach where the boat landed is just beside the excavation site and we were all very excited when we found out that the boat was a part of a research project. Finding the boat therefore linked two research projects that are very different, but still both focusing on the sea and climate change.

At the Skagfirðinga Museum of Architecture we have a research grant from Iceland and also a RAPID grant from the National Science Foundation through a team of American archaeologists at UMASS Boston who will be joining us in early July, 2024.

Boat Number


Date Found

June 12, 2024

Place Found

Sandvík, Hafnir, Skaga, Iceland 66.089180, -20.375863

Found By

Ásta Hermannsdóttir

Date Deployed

August 31, 2023

Who Deployed

​Le Commandant Charcot

Deployment Location

North Pole

Track Taken

​North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre through Fram Strait

Float Your Boat wooden boats
Boat 222040 in bottom right corner of box that was shipped to North Pole from University of Washington's Aquatics and Fisheries Sciences department.


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FYB is an outreach project of the International Arctic Buoy Programme developed by David Forcucci (US Coast Guard, retired), and Ignatius Rigor (Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA) and can be reached at arcticfloatboat @

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